Spring track and field club for grade 3 to 8 students
The 2024 season is over, thanks for another great season!
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This successful spring program has been the primary activity of the Huntsville Hurricanes Track Club for over 20 years! We take a multi-disciplined approach that allows participants to be taught the proper fundamentals of each track and field event in an age appropriate way. The program typically sees between 50-75 kids register each year. We rotate through all of these disciplines over the 8 weeks program:
Middle Distance
Long Distance
Long Jump
Triple Jump
High Jump
Shot Put
All coaches are National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) trained, and are comprised largely of passionate local High School athletes who run the skills stations under the direction of our trained adult coaches. These young athletes love track and field and their passion has a positive and long-lasting impact on the participants. Coaches ensure that each participant is encouraged to try their best in a fun, safe and supportive environment.
Practices are run once a week for 8 weeks, alternating between track events at the Conroy Park Track or the Summit Centre and field events at Memorial Park (Lion’s Lookout). Each practice typically follows the following format:
Parent/Guardian Sign in
Instructor lead group warmup – 20 mins
Instructor lead Station A – 30 mins
Instructor lead Station B – 30 mins
Cool Down/Group Games – 10 mins
Parent/Guardian Sign Out
The participants are split into 2-4 groups by age/ability, and each group does two different stations (ie. there are typically 4 stations and the kids rotate through 2 stations each night)
The Huntsville Hurricanes Track Club is the perfect way to get your child involved in sports.
Signing up includes two steps. Step one is to fill out the google form using the first button below and step two is to pay using the options below.
*** The payment page still shows 2023 dates, please ignore this, the payment will still work for 2024. ***
The Huntsville Hurricanes is able to provide financial assistance to those students who are not able to afford the program. Email us for more details.
Follow our Facebook for updates.

2024 Schedule
Thursday April 25 - meet at Conroy Field (at the gate on Town Line Road, not by the tennis courts)
Thursday May 2 - TBD Conroy or Lions Lookout
Thursday May 9 - TBD Conroy or Lions Lookout
Thursday May 16 - TBD Conroy or Lions Lookout
Thursday May 23 - TBD Conroy or Lions Lookout
Thursday May 30 - TBD Conroy or Lions Lookout
Thursday June 6 - TBD Conroy or Lions Lookout
The Huntsville Hurricanes Track Club was established in 1993 by Sue Tovee. It is a non-profit organization, run by dedicated volunteers, registered with the Ontario Track and Field Association. All members and participants are insured under the Minor Track Association of Ontario.
2017 – 2024 Directors
President – Stephanie Parry
Treasurer – Craig Nakamoto
2015 Directors
President – Rob Horton, rob@huntsvilletrackclub.ca
Head Coach – Steve Jones, steve@huntsvilletrackclub.ca
2014 Directors
President – Rob Horton, rob@huntsvilletrackclub.ca
Head Coach – Steve Jones, steve@huntsvilletrackclub.ca
Treasurer – Marion Baechler, marion@huntsvilletrackclub.ca
2013 Directors
President – Rob Horton, rob@huntsvilletrackclub.ca
Head Coach – Rick Birkhimer, rick@huntsvilletrackclub.ca
Treasurer – Marion Baechler, marion@huntsvilletrackclub.ca
Secretary – Danusia Gzik, danusia@huntsvilletrackclub.ca